Nuka-Grenade – This East Coast special has finally reached the shores of Lake Mead via some impressive and inventive Mad Bombers. Just take some Nuka-Cola Quartz, a Tin Can, some Abraxo, and a bit of Turpentine, and you’ve got a grenade that puts “ordinary” plasma to shame. Same explosion, different detonation technique. Warning: be careful about planting these on folks - for reasons we hope are obvious. If you like the explosions generated by Mini-Nukes (who doesn’t? we don’t want to know them) but don’t like carrying around a Fat Man, you can use some Scrap Metal, Scrap Electronics, and Sensor Module to turn that Mini-Nuke into a Fat Mine.

A Tin Grenade is one of the simplest recipes we’ve seen. Take some ordinary Pistol Powder, a Tin Can, and some Duct Tape. Wrap them up (you put the Pistol Powder into the can, we’re told) and you’ve got a cheap, low-power grenade. How does it detonate? Don’t ask us.

Tin Grenade, Fat Mine – Two ends of the Mad Bomber spectrum, similar purposes: blowing things up. Learn how to get the most of your Powder Charges, Bottlecap Mines, and Time Bombs! Love Mini-Nukes but hate carrying around a Fat Man? Slap on a Sensor Module and make a Fat Mine! Want to find another use for those heavy Microfusion Cells? With a bit of Scrap Electronics and some know-how, you’ll be hurling MFC Grenades and MFC Clusters in no time! Crafting humble Tin Grenades and even devastating Nuka-Grenades are a snap with this handy perk. Mad Bomber (Perk) – Specialized training is now available for wastelanders with a talent for Repair and a love of Explosives. Read on if you want to know what to expect, or if you’re a fan of surprises you can hop online now to get the bundle for $3.99. Shared by Bethesda on their blog, a few posts list all the juicy details of what to expect with the DLC dropping today on the PSN store.