Doing this change should be easier at least compared to any other possible changes. Considering I need 3 different Rare Set Mods from T3 bounties alone I can see myself doing these missions until I loose my sanity. I think the drop chance of these Rare Mods should be (at least slightly) increased. Granted there is supposedly only 2% chance of the drop and this brings me to the problem. At this point I have 24 T3 bounties done (probably the same amount of undocumented ones) and have yet to receive a single Rare Set Mod. I started keeping track of each bounty and reward I get so I can get some statistics on how long this will take for me to complete. Now, I realize RNG is RNG but I feel that this is going to be a bigger problem than it needs to be. My problem seems to be that I simply can not get any Rare mod to drop.

Now I am missing around 5 rare mods and 1 uncommon mod, not to mention the Focus lens items and Furax Wraith I have gone through the bounties Tier by Tier trying to get the items I require. I find it very difficult to get the set mods (Rare) from the bounties. I have tried to start finishing the stuff I need to do in Plains of Eidolon so I can concentrate on doing other stuff in Warframe (and also to already prepare for what the next openworld zone might bring)